Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beauty is pain

Exhibit A:

I love these shoes. Love 'em. They're cute and stylish and little uncomfortable. Seems that's just about all a good high heel should be.

After standing in them, passing out hors d'oeuvres for two hours, my feet look like this:

But if my feet had a face, they would use it to express themselves in this manner:

Not to worry, feet. I have just the thing.

Beauty is sometimes painful, but brownies with ice cream are always delicious. Balance is restored, and all is well.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quick Update

Just wanted to take a second to share a project that will be consuming most of the next week for me here at the CMF.

500 cupcakes.

I'm not kidding.

Our first Full Orchestra show of the season (Next Thursday! Eep!) falls on (or near, I can't remember exactly) the conductor's birthday. That night, we are also celebrating his 10th year with the Festival; we had planned to purchase cupcakes to pass out to each audience member at intermission. The cost proved to be exorbitant-- mini-cupcakes are in high demand these days, it seems. We were exploring alternatives to this dilemma when I opened my big mouth-- "You know, we could probably just make them." Further research into this possibility has proved it to be the most cost-effective by far, so we're plowing ahead. And since it was my big idea...

I am now the Fearless Leader of Operation Cupcake.

Oy Vey. Currently working on logistics-- more updates to come.