Monday, April 12, 2010

Strawberry ice cream

Spring in Boulder always brings with it a certain sense of whimsy-- the sunshine, the bicyclists, the tulips, the quad peppered with shirtless, frizbee-playing boys who all need haircuts and girls tanning (in April? Seriously?). The strict order of the day-to-day that seemed so firmly established before Spring Break crumbles deliciously into the wind at this time of year. Classes get canceled as our teachers scramble to finish dissertations and prepare for concerts, rehearsals get canceled as our accompanists scramble to other rehearsals, homework gets canceled as one of our professors scrambles to recover from a hard-drive crash. These little wrinkles in the fabric of time don't always work out in my favor. But today-- ah, today-- due to one of those lovely little wrinkles, I find myself home before 3, watching cartoons, eating strawberry ice cream, and getting ready for a nap.

Life is good.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Oh man--count me in on the strawberry ice cream nap plan! Sounds heavenly.