Friday, October 31, 2008


I retract my previous statement about my theater teacher.

After my SECOND C+ on a paper for Theatre class, I decided I'd had enough. I emailed him, politely demanded a minute of his time, and met with him today after class. And it turns out, he didn't grade either of my papers. His overworked TA did, But only after grading a succession of papers written by the 80 percent of the class that doesn't enjoy paying attention.

While I sympathize with her plight, I don't believe it's too much to ask for her to avoid taking it out on my paper.

My teacher, formerly believed to be the culprit, regraded my latest paper and gave me an A-! Alas, the statute of limitations has passed on the first paper. Oh well; bygones. I was planning on doing an extra credit project anyway.

For the past few days, I've been wondering what to be for Halloween. Campus, not surprisingly, is currently overrun with a bevvy of slutty police-women, slutty fire-women, slutty French maids, and even a slutty Statue of Liberty. Not joking. Wish I was. So I contemplated a little irony-- dressing up as a plain old prostitute. No one would think to guess that one! You know, shake it up a little.

There was no way I could carry it off. I, thankfully, am simply not prostitute material. I am now the Wolf, after eating Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood. I have a giant fat belly and am carrying a red coat. I have hired a large, burly friend of mine to chase after me for a portion of the evening with a large axe.

Haha. Just kidding about the axe. But seriously, wouldn't that be hilarious?

Honestly, I haven't decided yet. It's a toss up between 1. The wolf idea (sans lumberjack), 2. Just plain old Little Red Riding Hood, and 3. Betty Boop. Ideas?

What's your costume?


emily said...

That's seriously hilarious! And I'm glad you're not prostitute material. I don't think that's something to aspire to, contrary to popular belief. I definitely don't miss the trashiness of Halloweens outside the BYU bubble. Being ridiculously sheltered has its perks sometimes!

I'm also glad you got your paper resolved. Stupid TA doesn't know who she's dealing with! I mean, you learned from Ms. Pera, so anyone who danes to grade you at a C- has another thing coming. Haha. ;)

thepostproducer said...

Haha that is so very true about the cornicopia of slutty costumes available for Halloween. I saw a little girl from Everitt walking down the street in a slutty Snow White costume yesterday! Great! How old are you again?
Anyway, since I didn't get to this post until today I would like to know what you finally decided on.
Thats so great about your theatre paper and teacher! Seriously Ms. Pera is awesome! I've never even seen your TA but I'm pretty sure Ms. Pera could take her. :)